Perimenopause Information

Supporting women going through all stages
of perimenopause and onwards.

Fatigue – Why Am I so Tired?

Feeling tired or fatigued during menopause is a common experience for many women and can be attributed to various factors associated with hormonal changes and other menopausal symptoms. Here are some reasons why you might feel tired during menopause:

  1. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone, which occur during menopause, can disrupt the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and contribute to fatigue. Estrogen, in particular, plays a role in regulating energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

  2. Sleep Disturbances: Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to poor sleep quality. Waking up frequently during the night or having difficulty falling asleep can result in daytime fatigue and tiredness.

  3. Stress and Anxiety: Menopause is a significant life transition that can be accompanied by stress, anxiety, and mood changes. Chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to fatigue and feelings of exhaustion.

  4. Mood Swings: Mood swings, irritability, and depression are common menopausal symptoms that can impact energy levels and contribute to fatigue.

  5. Physical Symptoms: Menopause can bring about physical symptoms such as muscle aches, joint pain, headaches, and digestive issues, which can be draining and contribute to overall fatigue.

  6. Changes in Metabolism: Some women may experience changes in metabolism and weight gain during menopause, which can affect energy levels and lead to feelings of tiredness.

  7. Nutritional Deficiencies: Nutritional deficiencies, particularly in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, can contribute to fatigue during menopause.

  8. Lifestyle Factors: Factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, and stress can all contribute to feelings of tiredness and fatigue during menopause.

Managing Fatigue During Menopause:

  1. Prioritize Sleep: Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimize your sleep environment to improve sleep quality and duration.

  2. Manage Stress: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

  3. Stay Active: Engage in regular physical activity to boost energy levels, improve mood, and promote better sleep. Aim for a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

  4. Eat a Balanced Diet: Maintain a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to support overall health and energy levels.

  5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain energy levels.

  6. Consider Supplements: If needed, talk to your healthcare provider about supplements that may help alleviate fatigue and support overall health during menopause, such as vitamin D, B vitamins, iron, or magnesium.

  7. Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a healthcare provider for support and guidance if you’re struggling with fatigue or other menopausal symptoms.

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider if you’re experiencing persistent or severe fatigue during menopause to rule out underlying medical conditions and explore appropriate treatment options.