Supporting women going through all stages
of perimenopause and onwards.

Boots Menopause Bus

I was interested to see Boots had teamed up with ITV’s This Morning and have a Menopause Bus travelling the UK. My mind immediately went to our ladies in need of support, so I put out a quick Instagram Post tagging Holly, Phil and Lisa Snowdon. Low and behold Lisa liked my post! I was buzzing.

Despite my euphoria, there is a serious side to this. I want everyone to be supported through perimenopause. We know there are huge disparities when it comes to access to services, depending on where you live, as well as how well informed your healthcare professionals are. I am determined to get that bloody bus up North!!!! We live in an area of social deprivation and to have the publicity from something like this would be amazing for us woman fighting for each other and for change through our own platforms and campaigns like #makemenopausematter and #menoupausemandate.

So come on Boots and This Morning, do this for us! I will akways keep on banging on my menoupause drum.