I was at work one Tuesday when Lisa rang me all excited. BBC Radio Tees had seen the Healthwatch South Tees article and wanted to interview me. me! It was coming up to World Menopause Week and they were doing sections on this. Obviously the first thing I did was ring Vicky as I wanted us both involved. There was much excitement but also trepidation on the run up to this major event in our development. We discussed between us what we were going to say and the day before I had to do a little talk that could be played throughout the day. The talk was going out at 7.35am so we had to be up early, not a problem for Vicky but anyone who knows me, knows I love my bed. It is a good job it was on radio as I was still in my pj’s…….shhhhhh, don’t tell anyone. The time came and the phone rang. I was shaking, I can imagine Vicky was at home feeling the same way. It went smoothly and we discussed what perimenopause was and introduced our group.