What a find this lady was, Victoria did well. Again we had issues connecting and yes you have guessed correctly, there was a storm and perimenopause to blame! The topic this time was ‘How to tell if you are perimenopausal’? This one was a real eye opener and taught us a lot. Here is a few points we spoke about:
In most cases the perimenopause lasts between 4 – 6 years, and the average age is 51. But, this can happen a lot younger.
Some of the symptoms are: change of periods (any change at all and over a couple of cycles), flushes, anxiety, mood changes and sleep issues.
With an oestrogen deficiency women often find that they can fall asleep, but wake up 3 or 4 times and then are wide awake.
There are at least 34 documented symptoms, most organs can be effected by loss of oestrogen. The best course of action is to ensure there is nothing else causing these issues, i.e. thyroid, low iron, diabetes.
You do not have to wait to go on HRT until you have finished your periods (this is something that my practice nurse told me and is still telling me. I last went at the beginning of February 2022). A lot of women can have HRT, it is an informed choice and something you need to discuss with your GP, also research the pro’s and cons relevant to you. HRT was given bad press in the 80’s and 90’s in that it increased the risk of breast cancer, if you want to watch the Davina McCall documentary this has busted (no pun intended) this myth.